How to write review on Amazon or Goodreads


I urge whoever have read the book to write the review on or goodreads, if you have account.

Who have never written a review,  i am posting a guide here. Please follow.

How to write a book review on Amazon:

  1. Login to your or account (if you don’t have please create, it will not take more than couple of minutes)
  1. scroll down to CUSTOMER REVIEWS section of book
  2. find WRITE A PRODUCT REVIEW and click on it
  3. you will be taken to a page which will have book logo and 5 stars
  4. click on no of stars you want to give to this book
  5. once you do that a box will open
  6. inside of the box it is written: write your review here

write/copy paste whatever you have written in that box

  1. once you start writing the review or have done copy pasting another box will open which reads: Headline for your review. this means how you entitle your book review. e.g. good book, loved it, want to read more like or anything you like
  2. once you are done, you can preview your review. Means you can see how it looks on the web.
  3. once you are satisfied, click on submit button

You are done.



How do I write a review of a book on Goodreads?

  1. Login to your goodreads account (Please note that you have to be a Goodreads member to write a review)
  2. Search the book
  3. Go the book’s page.
  4. Underneath the book’s profile picture on the top left, rate the book using the stars.
  5. The “want to read” button will automatically be replaced with a “write a review” link. Click that link.
  6. Write your review in the review box that will appear and save.

You are done.




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