A Tiny Bible of Criticism

I sneaked onto every comment on others’ writing

like a thief stealing in broad day light

but in term of knowledge, these weren’t even

worth my time.

From stealing – I couldn’t benefit much.


Most of these comments were pretty basic

Geared to not offend the writer

My turn came

I can be nice to them but I abandoned

my view – I couldn’t cheat them such.


Sometimes, I found comments I like

rare like gem stones at seashore, glistening

from a distance, and waiting for to be picked

but because of their scarcity – I couldn’t learn much.


Why didn’t people give meaningful comments?

 Why they spoke in cryptic language,

Were they just short of time or they had assumed

serious comments will fetch serious replies.

Baffled by reality and eulogy of such kind

A mirage – I couldn’t trust much.


May be others didn’t like reality

Lots of love is that they all need

Happy and ignorant they would sleep

on unreliable fluffy mattress made out of

unadulterated love of their parents.

Their souls  wake them up in the middle of the night

“Life like a rapid river will flush the mediocrity one day”

But they discard it saying

It’s too pessimist- I couldn’t help much.


They were aware of reality and

they had shed bloody-truth from their conscience

seeking only praise from their critique group

where they pledged against passable ‘literature’

when started on this ink-path,

I resist the temptation – I couldn’t reiterate as such.


In writing and in life

Truth is the only survival mechanism

Truth will rise: only when we swim with problems;

not when we stare at them like inert pebbles of shore.

Little procrastination is acceptable but to dupe others

That’s where I draw the line – I couldn’t do such.

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