Offsprings on Demand

We generate offsprings (beautiful girls and handsome boys) that conform to India Society Standards of Morality, Ethics, Corruption and Religion (ISSMECR). One of our main objectives is to select breedable males and females to produce offsprings which yields progeny of yes-people, ass-kissers, or boot-lickers who can work at any place without questioning the superiors. Using CRISPR-cas9 technology, we have edited genes of self- esteem, self- worth, and confidence in them. Their lack of self-esteem, self-worth and confidence allow them to be dependent on superiors and unquestionable faith in them. With these key factors, we aim to deliver produces of exceedingly high standards to our clients at reasonable prices.  Overall, our ISSMECR breeding stock is rigorously managed and conditions of our amazing produce reflects our strict adherence to ISSMECR principles.

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