New Paradigms

There are kind of people who makes their opinions/suggestions/criticisms on the basis of current political scenarios or by association with current power. And when the power association is gone, they will cry the slogan that we all are friends and politicians divide the people: we should love and respect others.

I know thinking with their own is damn hard. Passing off someone’s wisdom is easy. Analysis of things, irrespective of current fringe benefits, is tough. Speaking like parrots is nothing but repetition. And, the association with the masses isn’t always the right, often it is called mass blindness. One must understand anyone dividing you is most likely taking your advantage.

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People Pleaser

A people pleaser committed suicide. His girlfriend sits in the same park on the same bench, as if to relives the memories but with a sad, serene face in hope to find out the why did he end his life? He always said to her: you think like me. Now their like-mindedness is her biggest worry.

A random comment: what would you do now? shook the foundation of her existence.

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