
            Why she has left me?

            Days and nights, he asked this question and the questions which arose as a result of this question. At last, he decided to do something else. He picked up the book whose pages smell like newly renovated library, his recent purchase from Japanese author. At the end of page 9, it read.

            ‘“You are quite a coward, aren’t you?” A knowing smile crossed her face.

            Sanshiro felt as if he were flung open onto the platform.’

            Only 9 pages in, he identifies so much with Sanshiro that he feels exposed. Is there a terminology if someone starts to feel like the character he is reading? Or if he has been so impressionable that he seems to identify with anything he reads. Or he has collection of such books which makes him feel like this. Or it is his limited experience in love which is what making him believe in anything new he reads? Outside of his apartment, he looks for characters from the novels or stories, he has read so far, which has complicated the life of protagonists. At times though, he wants to believe but can never be sure that he is protagonist or protagonist is him. Or all he is experiencing is clear cut case of insecurity?

            Shut up Sanshiro! He yells, walking on the downtown roads. Everyone looks at him. Damn! He has been warned against searching for answers for his non-fictional problems in fiction.

            but then, he also realizes whether all of his digressions are a way to not answer the question that has been asked.

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