I wasn’t cheating on you

He confessed, “I wasn’t cheating on you.”

Even though he replied in negative, the use of word ‘cheating’ in the same sentence caused her immense pain. She wished to have only heard. “No. I didn’t do anything.” “I wasn’t involved.” If he can’t answer properly, it would have been for him to lie, as lie would calm her frantic mind. She didn’t want to face the demon right now; she was busy living her life and at this juncture of their relationship or her life, she couldn’t take it. But what the heck! She had to face it one day, why not now.

The pain it had caused couldn’t be put in words. She had read stories about cheating and adultery. Earlier, she had earlier dismissed them as plot points to make life of hero or heroine troublesome. She never invested them emotionally. Or she often laughed about them as she considered them as cliché of storytelling. Probably, it was because she was a scientist and her critical mind failed to sync with emotional needs of protagonists. When this understanding dawned upon her, the clouds of understanding burst open and she was almost drowned in the deluge that followed.


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A Letter to Future Lover

I can’t seem to get you out of my head. Even though I didn’t know when you entered my head, that’s so ridiculous to even think. You owned me with a sentence, heck, even with a fragment of sentence. Do you even know, my heart beats erratically when I think about you. I often get startled, seek acceptance and search for you. I don’t know whether I’ll like you or not but right now, I think you seem an important part of my life, even though we haven’t met in true sense. I hope I get a reply from you. Because if I don’t, I think my ego will automatically block you for the fear of loss of self-confidence. I don’t want to be unloved and unreciprocated at the same time.

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Breakfast with splitting headache often result in vomiting and she hated the smell of her own vomit. It was like the smell of death. One of her relative had died during last summer and when she went there with sad face and fake tears, as the custom suggests, she smelled the dead body as she went near to pay her last respect. The dead body smelled of rotting grain or semi-digested grain in a vomit. Next moment, she sprinted out and threw up in their backyard. Ever since, she often dream of a vomit monster sitting atop her bookcase, asking her, “What are you doing here alone?”

“If you are free this weekend, let me take you to my world. I own the vomitland. No one dares to enter my territory.”

“What are your thoughts?”

I vomited in the dream.

“Yuck! If I love you, you mistreat me like this. I have offered you my whole world. Yet you spit over me. You could have simply said no. It would take me long time to get rid of your smell. Till then, I will be lonely. And I don’t want to live alone.”

I laughed. He disappeared. I got up. Smile eluded me all morning.

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*Note for the reader: brinjals and eggplants are the same vegetables. They just have different name in different countries.  

One person said to other to download the brinjal selling and buying app and to delete eggplant selling and buying app. The government now, out of nowhere, wanted to promote selling and buying brinjals, because these are local. The government didn’t want the public to buy the foreign grown eggplants. When the prime minister was interviewed, he said that “It’s time to improve our economy. We should buy brinjals.”  The home ministers and chief minister had no idea how a brinjal taste like for they had long forgotten the taste of the poverty, as the brinjals are often bought by poor and middle-class people.  The high class and politicians always bought eggplants. Because the brinjals looked shabby. No, no one talked about the nutritive value of the eggplants: it’s possible that brinjals and eggplants might be nutritively same but no one asked this. Nor did they asked how flavorful the eggplant might taste or how organically it is grown. They simply said let’s delete the eggplant selling app, just because it is grown abroad. The poor man and middle class of the country followed the guidelines.

A week later, early morning, a local MLA had called the superintendent of the police.

“Find a kg of eggplants. It’s urgent.”

“How it is possible sir? We have already cracked down everyone selling the eggplants.”

“I know. But if you put your mind and heart to it, you will definitely find someone selling the eggplants.”

“It’s highly unlikely, sir.”

“Don’t you understand it, my daughter craves eggplant patties. And I want her to have it.”

“Sir, I could send someone who could cook similar patties with brinjals, for that’s our national vegetable.”

“It’s order.”

                The SP called the inspector in-charge of the area which have the food market, the inspector in turn send his constable and police personals to hunt down an illegal eggplant seller.

                At last, they found some eggplants, pinned the blamed on a poor rickshaw owner, who happened to cross the location, and put him in jail for illegal procurement and selling of the eggplants.

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Medical CV

I saw it. This was the last thing one could be envious.

But then she was 56 years old and I was barely 30.

She walked normally and there was unmissable glow on her face. But something was definitely wrong with her unless she wouldn’t be carrying this folder full of receipts and medical transcripts from all the known hospitals in the city. She looked exhausted: she was visited all the hospitals yet her ailments eluded her.

Maybe she didn’t have any ailment that these hospitals specialized in. Or maybe she was hypochondriac with plenty of money and free time. Or maybe she had plenty of guilt that guided her suppressed fears to take the shape of an illness, which didn’t exist in medical lexicon. Or maybe I was wrong: she was sick; no one can figured it out.

But under no circumstances, I am not going to own it. I’m not going to visualize her problems as a novice psychiatrist who had this tendency to make other’s problem his own.

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Last Wish of a Science-fiction reader

“Are you sure to wake me up?”

“Mrs. Wellington, we aren’t sure. But, if you believe in science fiction, you probably know waking up could become a reality.”

“So you are talking about hope.”


She would be kept in cryochambers; she wanted to be immortal. The company took the money from her.

“Can you freeze this book along with me?” She asked one more question.

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Love in Winter

Love is thrown out of window. It shrivels in winter. When the lovers realize the mistake, they get out in winter to look for the thrown love, all they found is a tree stripped of leaves and weighed down by the snow of expectations.

The tree of love had never been stooped so low.

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New Paradigms

There are kind of people who makes their opinions/suggestions/criticisms on the basis of current political scenarios or by association with current power. And when the power association is gone, they will cry the slogan that we all are friends and politicians divide the people: we should love and respect others.

I know thinking with their own is damn hard. Passing off someone’s wisdom is easy. Analysis of things, irrespective of current fringe benefits, is tough. Speaking like parrots is nothing but repetition. And, the association with the masses isn’t always the right, often it is called mass blindness. One must understand anyone dividing you is most likely taking your advantage.

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Sadness of a Lover


Hiding my true self, I longed for her. In her, I had found me but still I continued to think that there was something wrong in me for identifying with her for she had been an apparition long time ago.

The sadness came in waves and drowned me. I got to meet her in limbo town, where she was waiting for me. She told me she couldn’t go to higher or lower towns, unless she knew what I thought about her.

I didn’t know what and how to tell her. But in the limbo town, things were different. Your thoughts evaporate from your head and make a cloud over your head. Anyone could see what your are thinking.

“No cheating here; that’s why I have called you.”

My thoughts took the shape of clouds, very fragile and ready to burst. She smiled and poked her thought finger into those clouds.

It rained in the limbo town; the rain dissolved her into water. She was gone.

When I opened my eyes, someone was resuscitating me on the beach.

“He’s breathing.” I heard someone saying about me.

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Offsprings on Demand

We generate offsprings (beautiful girls and handsome boys) that conform to India Society Standards of Morality, Ethics, Corruption and Religion (ISSMECR). One of our main objectives is to select breedable males and females to produce offsprings which yields progeny of yes-people, ass-kissers, or boot-lickers who can work at any place without questioning the superiors. Using CRISPR-cas9 technology, we have edited genes of self- esteem, self- worth, and confidence in them. Their lack of self-esteem, self-worth and confidence allow them to be dependent on superiors and unquestionable faith in them. With these key factors, we aim to deliver produces of exceedingly high standards to our clients at reasonable prices.  Overall, our ISSMECR breeding stock is rigorously managed and conditions of our amazing produce reflects our strict adherence to ISSMECR principles.

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